Some of knowledge sources

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants

With this statement of sir Isaac Newton I would like to pay respect to all the people who have shared their knowledge across the web. Paving my life path as a developer, at particular moments I felt them as those giants, whose shoulders helped me to see further, to understand deeper, to work more effectively. Every time having implemented some feature, resolved some bug or simply having got approval for my PR, deep in my mind I feel great gratitude to those people whose courses and tutorials allowe me to do my job with high quality.

On this page, for the sake of further knowledge sharing to those who may need it, I provide information about some of the coaches whom I have been learning from for long time. Obviously there have been much more of them than are listed here :)


Zoran Horvat

If Thanos would ever shrink global internet to only three Youtube channels for every web developer, in my case one of those will be the channel of this coach.

His OOP design patterns courses on Pluralsight I had been watching several times each, not to the end from the first attempt, before starting feeling myself like "ok, now I understand.. probably". His courses about functional programming in c# have extended my vision of how to start even think about a problem in my work, to see hidden opportunities of its implementation. His quick tutorials on Youtube serve as good refreshers and guidances to maintain best practices of, how I call it to myself, "thinking about how to think" resolving different programming problems.

# Resource Description

Zoran Horvat's personal web site with big repository of his every tutorials

2 pluralsight

Pluralsight profile with profound courses on basic programming skills mostly for c#. The word "basic" here does not mean "primitive". It is about filling the gap between "to know theory" and "to build solution".

Despite some of courses are marked as retired, I think will be they worth watching for many years ahead

3 @zoran-horvat

Personal YouTube channel with big collection of quick tutorials of dealing with specific programming problems



Guys from this team teach how to understand and use "under the hood" functionality of the dotnet runtime. Stunning 10 hours course on .NET garbage collector, deep videos on asyncronous c#, a lot of videos on performance programming with modern c#, many other materials about what is happening when dotnet application is being executed, down to CPU registers and cache lines have made me feel like I switch next gear in my c# development.

# Resource Description

Courses from Dotnetos official site

2 @Dotnetos

Team's YouTube channel with great collection of free videos


Julie Lerman

If you ever developed database project on c#, you've heard about Entity Framework. In this case you've probably also heard about Julie Lerman, widely known couch on this db abstraction framework. Her experience is so great that even Microsoft Entity Framework team had been consulting with her about features in upcoming releases.

# Resource Description

Personal web site

2 pluralsight

Pluralsight profile with courses on EF Core and DDD


Kevin Dockx

Kevin Dockx has great set of courses about different aspects of dotnet programming, particularly on API security with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.

# Resource Description

Personal web site

2 pluralsight

Kevin's profile on Pluralsight


Nick Chapsas

Twice a week Nick Chapsas releases quick videos of how things are going on in the world of c# and dotnet. 10-15 min of expert pinpointing of particular functionality or problem have been very helpful to stay focused on the latest and greates language/framework features.

# Resource Description
1 @nickchapsas

Personal Youtube channel


Nick's web site where he, as well as some other coaches, offer different c# courses


Anton Wieslander

OAuth2 and OpenId Connect had been somewhat challenging topics for me when it came not to draw a diagram on an interview but to actually implement and maintain them in an enterprise level application. Luckily once I came across RawCoding youtube channel where his author Anton Wieslander with his videos has not only explained OAuth2 in great details but also walked through the process of bulding and gradual development of custom dotnet api with step-by-step implementation of this modern authentication features.

# Resource Description

Personal web site with big repository of video tutorials

3 @RawCoding

Anton's YouTube channel with quick c#/dotnet tutorials

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